Hierarchy (view full)




  • Aligns the face landmarks after face detection from the relative positions of the faces bounding box, or it's current shift. This function should be used to align the face images after face detection has been performed, before they are passed to the face recognition net. This will make the computed face descriptor more accurate.


    • Optional detection: null | IRect | IBoundingBox | FaceDetection

      (optional) The bounding box of the face or the face detection result. If no argument was passed the position of the face landmarks are assumed to be relative to it's current shift.

    • options: {
          minBoxPadding?: number;
          useDlibAlignment?: boolean;
      } = {}
      • Optional minBoxPadding?: number
      • Optional useDlibAlignment?: boolean

    Returns Box<any>

    The bounding box of the aligned face.