• Creates a tf.Tensor with the provided values, shape and dtype.

    // Pass an array of values to create a vector.
    tf.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4]).print();
    // Pass a nested array of values to make a matrix or a higher
    // dimensional tensor.
    tf.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).print();
    // Pass a flat array and specify a shape yourself.
    tf.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 2]).print();
    // Pass a `WebGLData` object and specify a shape yourself.

    // This makes it possible for TF.js applications to avoid GPU / CPU sync.
    // For example, if your application includes a preprocessing step on the GPU,
    // you could upload the GPU output directly to TF.js, rather than first
    // downloading the values.

    // Example for WebGL2:
    if (tf.findBackend('custom-webgl') == null) {
    const customCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    const customBackend = new tf.MathBackendWebGL(customCanvas);
    tf.registerBackend('custom-webgl', () => customBackend);
    const savedBackend = tf.getBackend();
    await tf.setBackend('custom-webgl');
    const gl = tf.backend().gpgpu.gl;
    const texture = gl.createTexture();
    const tex2d = gl.TEXTURE_2D;
    const width = 2;
    const height = 2;

    gl.bindTexture(tex2d, texture);
    gl.texParameteri(tex2d, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
    gl.texParameteri(tex2d, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
    gl.texParameteri(tex2d, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
    gl.texParameteri(tex2d, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
    tex2d, 0, gl.RGBA32F, // internalFormat
    width, height, 0,
    gl.RGBA, // textureFormat
    gl.FLOAT, // textureType
    new Float32Array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15])

    // Currently, the `texture` has 4 pixels:
    // Pixel0 is {R:0, G:1, B:2, A:3}
    // Pixel1 is {R:4, G:5, B:6, A:7}
    // Pixel2 is {R:8, G:9, B:10, A:11}
    // Pixel3 is {R:12, G:13, B:14, A:15}

    const logicalShape = [height * width * 2];
    const a = tf.tensor({texture, height, width, channels: 'BR'}, logicalShape);
    // Tensor value will be [2, 0, 6, 4, 10, 8, 14, 12], since [2, 0] is the
    // values of 'B' and 'R' channels of Pixel0, [6, 4] is the values of 'B' and
    // channels of Pixel1...

    // For postprocessing on the GPU, it's possible to retrieve the texture
    // backing any tensor by calling the tensor's `dataToGPU` method like
    // so:

    const tex = a.dataToGPU();
    await tf.setBackend(savedBackend);
    // Pass a `WebGPUData` object and specify a shape yourself.

    // This makes it possible for TF.js applications to avoid GPU / CPU sync.
    // For example, if your application includes a preprocessing step on the GPU,
    // you could upload the GPU output directly to TF.js, rather than first
    // downloading the values. Unlike WebGL, this optionally supports zero copy
    // by WebGPUData.zeroCopy. When zeroCopy is false or undefined(default), this
    // passing GPUBuffer can be destroyed after tensor is created. When zeroCopy
    // is true, this GPUBuffer is bound directly by the tensor, so do not destroy
    // this GPUBuffer until all access is done.

    // Example for WebGPU:
    function createGPUBufferFromData(device, data, dtype) {
    const bytesPerElement = 4;
    const sizeInBytes = data.length * bytesPerElement;

    const gpuWriteBuffer = device.createBuffer({
    mappedAtCreation: true,
    size: sizeInBytes,
    usage: GPUBufferUsage.MAP_WRITE | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC
    const arrayBuffer = gpuWriteBuffer.getMappedRange();
    if (dtype === 'float32') {
    new Float32Array(arrayBuffer).set(data);
    } else if (dtype === 'int32') {
    new Int32Array(arrayBuffer).set(data);
    } else {
    throw new Error(
    `Creating tensor from GPUBuffer only supports` +
    `'float32'|'int32' dtype, while the dtype is ${dtype}.`);

    const gpuReadBuffer = device.createBuffer({
    mappedAtCreation: false,
    size: sizeInBytes,
    usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE |

    const copyEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();
    gpuWriteBuffer, 0, gpuReadBuffer, 0, sizeInBytes);
    const copyCommands = copyEncoder.finish();
    return gpuReadBuffer;

    const savedBackend = tf.getBackend();
    await tf.setBackend('webgpu').catch(
    () => {throw new Error(
    'Failed to use WebGPU backend. Please use Chrome Canary to run.')});
    const dtype = 'float32';
    const device = tf.backend().device;
    const aData = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16];
    const bData = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4];
    const expected = [2, 4, 6, 8, 6, 8, 10, 12, 10, 12, 14, 16, 14, 16, 18, 20];
    const aBuffer = createGPUBufferFromData(device, aData, dtype);
    const shape = [aData.length];
    // To use zeroCopy, use {buffer: aBuffer, zeroCopy: true} instead and destroy
    // aBuffer untill all access is done.
    const a = tf.tensor({buffer: aBuffer}, shape, dtype);
    const b = tf.tensor(bData, shape, dtype);
    const result = tf.add(a, b);
    await tf.setBackend(savedBackend);

    Type Parameters


    • values: TensorLike | WebGLData | WebGPUData

      The values of the tensor. Can be nested array of numbers, or a flat array, or a TypedArray(At the moment it supports Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int32Array, Float32Array) data types, or a WebGLData object, or a WebGPUData object. If the values are strings, they will be encoded as utf-8 and kept as Uint8Array[]. If the values is a WebGLData object, the dtype could only be 'float32' or 'int32' and the object has to have: 1. texture, a WebGLTexture, the texture must share the same WebGLRenderingContext with TFJS's WebGL backend (you could create a custom WebGL backend from your texture's canvas) and the internal texture format for the input texture must be floating point or normalized integer; 2. height, the height of the texture; 3. width, the width of the texture; 4. channels, a non-empty subset of 'RGBA', indicating the values of which channels will be passed to the tensor, such as 'R' or 'BR' (The order of the channels affect the order of tensor values. ). (If the values passed from texture is less than the tensor size, zeros will be padded at the rear.). If the values is a WebGPUData object, the dtype could only be 'float32' or 'int32 and the object has to have: buffer, a GPUBuffer. The buffer must:

      1. share the same GPUDevice with TFJS's WebGPU backend; 2. buffer.usage should at least support GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC; 3. buffer.size should not be smaller than the byte size of tensor shape. WebGPUData optionally supports zero copy by flag zeroCopy. When zeroCopy is false or undefined(default),this passing GPUBuffer can be destroyed after tensor is created. When zeroCopy is true, this GPUBuffer is bound directly by the tensor, so do not destroy this GPUBuffer until all access is done.
    • Optionalshape: ShapeMap[R]

      The shape of the tensor. Optional. If not provided, it is inferred from values.

    • Optionaldtype: keyof DataTypeMap

      The data type.

    Returns tf.Tensor<R>