Interface DrawOptions

Draw Options

  • Accessed via human.draw.options or provided per each draw method as the drawOptions optional parameter
interface DrawOptions {
    alpha: number;
    bodyLabels: string;
    bodyPartLabels: string;
    color: string;
    drawAttention: boolean;
    drawBoxes: boolean;
    drawGaze: boolean;
    drawGestures: boolean;
    drawLabels: boolean;
    drawPoints: boolean;
    drawPolygons: boolean;
    faceLabels: string;
    fillPolygons: boolean;
    fingerLabels: string;
    font: string;
    gestureLabels: string;
    handLabels: string;
    labelColor: string;
    lineHeight: number;
    lineWidth: number;
    objectLabels: string;
    pointSize: number;
    roundRect: number;
    shadowColor: string;
    useCurves: boolean;
    useDepth: boolean;


alpha: number

alpha value used for lines

bodyLabels: string

string template for body labels

bodyPartLabels: string

string template for body part labels

color: string

draw line color

drawAttention: boolean

should face attention keypoints be highlighted

drawBoxes: boolean

should draw boxes around detection results?

drawGaze: boolean

should draw gaze arrows?

drawGestures: boolean

should detected gestures be drawn?

drawLabels: boolean

should labels be drawn?

drawPoints: boolean

should points be drawn?

drawPolygons: boolean

should draw polygons from detection points?

faceLabels: string

string template for face labels

fillPolygons: boolean

should fill polygons?

fingerLabels: string

string template for hand labels

font: string

label font

gestureLabels: string

string template for gesture labels

handLabels: string

string template for hand labels

labelColor: string

label color

lineHeight: number

line spacing between labels

lineWidth: number

line width for drawn lines

objectLabels: string

string template for object labels

pointSize: number

size of drawn points

roundRect: number

draw rounded boxes by n pixels

shadowColor: string

label shadow color

useCurves: boolean

should lines be curved?

useDepth: boolean

use z-coordinate when available