Interface FaceDetectorConfig

Detector part of face configuration

interface FaceDetectorConfig {
    enabled: boolean;
    iouThreshold: number;
    mask: boolean;
    maxDetected: number;
    minConfidence: number;
    minSize: number;
    modelPath: string;
    return: boolean;
    rotation: boolean;
    scale: number;
    skipFrames: number;
    skipTime: number;
    square: boolean;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


enabled: boolean

is module enabled?

iouThreshold: number

minimum overlap between two detected faces before one is discarded

mask: boolean

should child models perform on masked image of a face

maxDetected: number

maximum number of detected faces

minConfidence: number

minimum confidence for a detected face before results are discarded

minSize: number

minimum size in pixels of a detected face box before resutls are discared

modelPath: string

path to model json file (relative to modelBasePath

return: boolean

should face detection return processed and cropped face tensor that can with an external model for addtional processing? if enabled it must be manually deallocated to avoid memory leak

rotation: boolean

is face rotation correction performed after detecting face? used to correctly analyze faces under high angles

scale: number

how much should face box be enlarged over the min/max facial coordinates

skipFrames: number

how many max frames to go without re-running model if cached results are acceptable for two-phase models such as face and hand caching applies to bounding boxes detection only

skipTime: number

how many max milliseconds to go without re-running model if cached results are acceptable for two-phase models such as face and hand caching applies to bounding boxes detection only

square: boolean

automatically pad image to square