Interface HandResult

Hand results

interface HandResult {
    annotations: Record<Finger, Point[]>;
    box: Box;
    boxRaw: Box;
    boxScore: number;
    fingerScore: number;
    id: number;
    keypoints: Point[];
    label: HandType;
    landmarks: Record<Finger, { curl: FingerCurl; direction: FingerDirection }>;
    score: number;


annotations: Record<Finger, Point[]>

detected hand keypoints combined into annotated parts

box: Box

detected hand box

boxRaw: Box

detected hand box normalized to 0..1

boxScore: number

hand detection score

fingerScore: number

hand skelton score

id: number

hand id

keypoints: Point[]

detected hand keypoints

label: HandType

detected hand class

landmarks: Record<Finger, { curl: FingerCurl; direction: FingerDirection }>

detected hand parts annotated with part gestures

score: number

hand overal score