Current configuration
Draw helper classes that can draw detected objects on canvas using specified draw
Object containing environment information used for diagnostics
Container for events dispatched by Human Possible events:
: triggered when Human object is instantiatedload
: triggered when models are loaded (explicitly or on-demand)image
: triggered when input image is processedresult
: triggered when detection is completewarmup
: triggered when warmup is completeerror
: triggered on some errorsReference face triangualtion array of 468 points, used for triangle references between points
Refernce UV map of 468 values, used for 3D mapping of the face mesh
Face Matching
Performance object that contains values for all recently performed operations
currenty processed image tensor and canvas
Last known result of detect run
Current state of Human library
Instance of TensorFlow/JS used by Human
Current version of Human library in semver format
WebCam helper methods
Compare two input tensors for pixel similarity
to process any valid input and get a tensor that can be used for compareLoad method preloads all configured models on-demand
Run detect with tensorflow profiling
Continously detect video frames
HTMLVideoElement input
boolean run continously or stop if already running, default true
number delay detection between frames for number of miliseconds, default 0
Human* library main class
All methods and properties are available only as members of Human class
Param: userConfig
instance of Human